14th May 2014 Fact Finding Mission to Nouakchott, MAURITANIA

by andrewproudlove

The P35 Fact Finding Mission to Nouakchott consisted of: Andrew Proudlove  and Alexandre Custaud .

The Mission was organised with the advice and assistance of the Mr Ahmed Bezeid, Advisor in charge of enforcement and cooperation, National Authority of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety and Security (ARSN). The first day consisted of  a meeting and workshop at the Institut National de Recherche Sante Publique (INRSP) in Nouakchott, Mauritania, with representatives from Customs, Police, Environment, Civil Protection, Biologists, Chemists and experts in laws and regulations.

  • Mohamed Brahim Elkory, Directeur INRSP/MS kindly agreed to lead the local P35 Project Management Team

The P35 Fact Finding Team spent the second day visiting staff in  INRSP  laboratories.

On Day 3, the team toured the facilities of Nouakchott Hospital, built in the 1960s, presented the Project to the Director (Aly, Abdallahi Ould Sidi, Directeur General, Centre Hospitalier National)20140513 INRSP Workshop (10) 20140513 INRSP (15) 20140513 INRSP (26) 20140513 INRSP (42) 20140513 INRSP (38) and his senior medical staff and held a workshop to discuss the way ahead.